Actual Game
Super Street Fighter II1-Click Install
The Game
To be sure, the graphics are mostly arcade perfect and surpass the visuals of the SNES version. All of the original eight world warriors are selectable, and if you beat them you'll go head to head with the four fearsome Kings of Shadowlaw to earn your character's ending. All of the special moves are represented, from Ryu's hurricane kick to Blanka's electricity to Zangief's spinning piledriver. The bonus stages are all there, including the flaming oil drum stage that was inexplicably replaced by a brick-breaking exercise in the console versions. Hell, the PC version even sports the original arcade intro and the familiar "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screen. Just about everything you'd expect from a conversion is here.
The game features 4 new characters and stages making a total of 16 playable. It also includes many multiplayer modes in addition to the single player mode. The most popular mode was probably the returning elimination group battle where you and a group of people played until one person was the champ. Point Battle tests your skill as the person with the most points wins. The game introduced newer modes such as Tournament where you had an 8 man double elimination tournament and Challenge mode, where you tried to get the most points on a CPU opponent or beat them fast trying to surpass records.