Actual Game
Read, Write & Type1-Click Install
The Game
Disguised as a video game, this program teaches reading, writing, and typing all at the same time. The student is battling "Vexor" -- a virus within the program's fantasy land. He is trying to steal the letters from their homes on the keyboard. The letters represent the characters of a story. If Vexor steals the characters, there will be no story. As the student helps to get the letters away from Vexor, he is learning where letters belong on the keyboard and what sounds they make. As the student saves more and more letters, he is able to read and write more words.
There is instant feedback for the student. If the program asks him to spell a word and it is misspelled, it gives another chance to spell it correctly before moving on. If he needs the word repeated, there is an icon to click on for the pronunciation of the word.