Actual Game
Jack Nicklaus Golf
The Game
In the golf game itself, up to 4 players (human or computer) may compete in a round of golf or skins game. A round of play is your normal 18 holes of golf. In a skins, each hole is worth a given amount of money. If one or more golfers tie on a hole, the money is moved on to the next hole. Once the players and type of game has been chosen, a course is chosen and it is off to the clubhouse. From the clubhouse you can change courses, players, type of game. Also, you can visit the driving range, play a hole, practice a green, view the course, view course records, play a round. If round play, rather than skins game, was selected, you can start a tournament consisting of 1 to 5 rounds with other computer golfers competing which are not in your active golfing party.
Once a round has begun, you are presented with an overhead view of the current hole. At this screen you can view the hole or use an auto caddy. The view hole option allows you to view the hole from any point within the scope of the hole (not that useful, but nice graphical fluff). The auto caddy on the other hand can be very useful. It allows you to measure distance on the golf course. It can be invaluable in selecting a club on a hole with a short fairway to the first dogleg, especially if a hazard is just beyond the short fairway.
After the overhead view, you are golfing. Readily accessible are functions for selecting clubs, aiming the shot, rotating the golfer, selecting options. Club selection is relatively straightforward. Aiming the shot can be done in one of two ways. At the top of the window is a visual indication of the direction in which the ball is aimed in relation to direction your golfer is facing. At the edges of the screen are two poles representing the extent of your vision to the left and right. By clicking on one of those poles, your golfer will be rotated to the right or left. The ball is represented by a golf ball, and if the flag is within the view slice, it will also be visible. You also have a couple of the traditional arrow keys with which the shot may be aimed. The options list contains such things as (club list, overhead view, replay last shot, reverse replay last shot, take mulligan (once per round from a tee shot), overhead view of green, terrain grid, return to clubhouse, etc.). A power bar like PGAT is used in making shots to determine power, hooking, and slicing. Other information, such as wind/grade, distance to cup, par, etc. is also displayed.
The course designer is a real gem. I really enjoy playing with it. You start by copying on of the currently available plots of land and modifying it to fit your needs. You can alter the terrain (building hill or depressions) or composition (bunker, cart path, rough, green, water, fairway) of the plot. You can also place objects on the plot (clubhouse, trees, rocks, golf carts, etc.) The surrounding horizon of the course can be changed with the painting portion of the program. Once the terrain is generally to your liking, you can rout the course a hole at a time. Each hole can be altered in the same way as the plot (landscaping, composition, and objects). You can also place up to 5 pin positions which will be chose randomly and the place for each type of tee. It places tee positions, rough, fairway, green, and the first pin automatically, but these can be altered. You can zoom in on the hole to edit the hole at the pixel level. Once you have the hole where you think it may be playable, just do it. There is the option to play a single hole from any spot within the scope of the hole. You can also edit the wind conditions of the for the course. For each hole and the course itself you can write a quote which describes the hole or course, possible giving hints.
I like Jack Nicklaus golf than any of the other golf games on the market during the early 90s be. The computer competition, game variety, number of included courses, and course designer made it a powerhouse for its day.