Actual Game
Expert Championship Chess1-Click Install
The Game
Championship Chess by Expert Software is a solid mid 90s chess game that includes all of the features you would expect. It is a single player game with both 2D and 3D views, 6 chess sets and 5 boards. The background music is quite good and accents the various themes. I found the Football chess theme to be quite entertaining particularly when enabling the play-by-play sports announcer. I found that the music tends to drown out the in-game speech so I use one or the other.
The game includes a clock, useful statistics and a move list. Of course the player can manually choose the computer opponent, defining its skill from Novice to Expert, the search depth of its moves, and the time limit for each move. The list of players with ratings updated during his career are allowed.
Many opening/defense variants can be automatically played as well as classic games replayed. During the game players can switch sides or take a hint for the next move. The player can also edit the board. In summary, Championship Chess is an accurate example of the state of mid 90s computer chess gaming.