Actual Game
The Game
It's the far distant future (around the 67th century) and you've just been assigned to a small backwater supply district called Jacob's Star. You're an excellent pilot with a good battle record in the Renegade Legion but your reputation as a loner with suspect leadership skills has gotten you reassigned to this remote system. And your new Squadron Leader, "Mother", condones no breaches in authority or procedures. You must survive his evaluation in order to rejoin another front-line squadron.
Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star is the story of an epic space battle pitting the Terran Overlord Government (TOG), originally made up of KessRith and Ssora factions, against The Commonwealth (an alliance between Humans and Baufrin), of which the Renegade Legion is a part. Times have changed and the KessRith are now Commonwealth allies (there are 21 Grand Dukedoms, eight of which have been captured by the TOG) as well. The TOG wants absolute dominion over all races and the Commonwealth, outnumbered, undermanned and helped only by the decentralization of the TOG forces (8 million legions, 50,000 men each) and the vast distance separating the systems, must fight back with a much smaller force, aided by various allies.
The flight engine manages nicely to portray the feeling of being in a space environment. Well planned mission objectives support over a dozen types of missions such as reconnaissance flights, escorts, rescues, intercepts, defense, pickets and sweeps. All missions, regardless of complexity, involve use of computer calculated Navigational Points. There are many options available which make playing the game possible for either the novice or experienced wannabe space pilot. You choose one of several pilots to use as your alter ego and can select the number of wingmen, the ship you want to use and the difficulty level in the practice mode (called Holo-Space) where you are attacked by seemingly endless swarms of TOG interceptors. This goes a long way toward getting you familiar with the "how to" fly controls and functions of your interceptor of choice. Once comfortable and confident you can handle it, you can embrace the mission-oriented campaign mode.
With a huge array of ships, weapons, technologies, worlds and alien races to interact with, Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star is a mission based space flight simulation of epic proportions replete with wingmen, maneuvering, combat, exploration and more.