Actual Game
EF-20001-Click Install
The Game
DID prided themselves on their accurate flight models and striking graphics, and EF2000 was one of the first titles to include a useful 'padlock view' (a feature pioneered in the company's previous game, 'TFX'). EF2000 is still good to look at today, helped by the decision to set the game in the bleak snowy wastelands of northern Norway. The sky is generally very dark and moody, and the sensation of being locked in an air-conditioned box, floating in a freezing black wilderness is quite unique. In common with the last two 'Falcon' games, 'European Air War' and sadly very few others, EF2000 had a dynamic campaign in which your actions had bearing on subsequent missions. The simulation engine was complicated enough to be satisfying but not so complicated as to inspire panic, while the sensation of flying at great speed through narrow, glacial canyons - with time advance on, of course - was as close to the end of 'Firefox' as any computer game had come.