Actual Game
DK Dinosaur Hunter1-Click Install
The Game
Dinosaur Hunter is an interactive learning adventure that lets you bring long-extinct creatures back to life. The adventure lets you get up close and personal with 50 different species of dinosaurs, follow in the footsteps of famous paleontologists, travel the world in search of fossils, and even dig up and assemble your own animated dinosaurs. It's all there beneath Eyewitness Museum, plus plenty of models, interactive exhibits, animations, video, and dinosaur sounds.
The adventure takes place in a subterranean world beneath Eyewitness Museum and travels a quarter of a billion years into the past, when dinosaurs like the terrifying Tyrannosaurus and the vicious Velociraptor stalked the prehistoric earth. In this 3D environment, you'll learn about dinosaurs by searching for fossils to assemble and bring to life as fully animated dinosaurs. On your way to the Dinosaur Excavation Site, travel through time tunnels, visit the Arena, watch videos and animations and take interactive quizzes.
Time Tunnels take you from the Triassic through the Cretaceous periods. Along the way, watch videos and animations and manipulate 3D objects to learn more about each dinosaur. You can also take the elevator down to the Excavation Site, dig for fossilized bones to piece together; and when your dinosaur is complete, watch it come to life and roam around the museum! Six partially completed skeletons are included.