Actual Game
3D Ultra Pinball
MY PROMISE WHAT IS INCLUDED I will also provide a compatibility CD that will allow the game to run under ALL VERSIONS of Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP, both 32 and 64 bit. INSTALLATION Want to play? Click the icon. Want the game off your computer? Click Uninstall. Zero hassle. TECH SUPPORT In the extremely rare event I cannot get this title to work on your system I will take it back for a full refund. All I ask is minimal assistance from you during the troubleshooting process. |
The Game
Game play occurs on three different tables. When you first begin you have the option of playing any one of the three or ALL of them. Yes, that’s right, you can play on all of them. Not at the same time, mind you, but all three are tied together so that at different points you can warp between the different tables.
The view of the tables is approximately what it would be if you were playing an actual pinball game. It’s not the standard overhead view presented by most pinball games but instead is from a tilted perspective. This is a welcome change of pace and set 3D Pinball apart from its competitors of the era.
Game play is both simple and ingenious. Each board has a set of bonuses that are activated by performing a specific task. Complete all bonuses on all boards and you will have the option to build the space port. Complete the space port and launch your ship to join the rank of pinball wizards, but be warned this is nearly an impossible task.
There is interactive help designed into the game too. When you begin each board you are instructed on how to activate the bonuses. Then, when you trigger a bonus, you are told what is needed to rack up the points. You can also take the Grand Tour and learn about all the scoring options without having to figure them out on the fly. Personally, I jumped right in and played quite a few games before taking the Grand Tour.
There are also sub-boards accessed through certain bonuses. These are like separate mini pinball tables where you have a specific task to complete in a limited time. Complete the task and you are one step closer to launching your space ship.
You couldn’t want for a better pinball game to demonstrate mid 90s state of the art. It is no surprise that Ultra Pinball spawned many sequels over subsequent years.